libfo-examples Package

Example files for using the libfo library.

  • xmlroff-basic demonstrates the 'basic' interface to libfo that does not use either GObject or FoObject objects.

  • xmlroff-init2 demonstrates using the 'basic' interface with your own memory allocation functions.

  • xmlroff-libfo demonstrates using libfo through the high-level FoXslFormatter (and FoLibfoContext, FoXsltTransformer, and FoXmlDoc) objects.

  • xmlroff-text-tree demonstrates accessing the FO tree as FoNode objects.

  • xmlroff-text-tree2 demonstrates accessing the area tree as GObjects.

  • xmlroff-gmodule and gmodule-area-tree demonstrate using a loadable module that accesses the area tree as GObjects. You need to run 'make install' to install gmodule-area-tree for it to work.

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